
Archbishop Inácio Saúre

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese Nampula during the 22 June 2024 Priestly Ordination. Credit: Catholic Archdiocese Nampula

Newly Ordained Catholic Priests in Mozambique Called Upon to “also strive for their own sanctification”

Jun 26, 2024

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese Nampula has called upon the two Deacons he ordained Priests to pay attention to their personal holiness even as they help others become holy during their Priestly ministry.

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese Nampula. Credit: Radio Maria Mozambique

Religious Intolerance “shameful”, Catholic Archbishop in Mozambique Laments, Urges “culture of peace”

May 21, 2024

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese Nampula has condemned violence due to religious differences, and termed it “shameful”. 

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of the Catholic Archdiocese Nampula in Mozambique. Credit: Vatican Media

Catholic Archbishop in Mozambique Expresses Solidarity with Flood Victims “going through painful and distressing times”

Mar 31, 2024

The Catholic Archdiocese Nampula in Mozambique is in solidarity with persons affected by floods in the Southern African nation, the Local Ordinary, Archbishop Inácio Saúre, has said.  

Bishop Tonito Francisco Xavier Muananoua, Auxiliary Bishop of Maputo Archdiocese in Mozambique. Credit: Maputo Archdiocese

Go after Sheep “that has disappeared”: Apostolic Nuncio in Mozambique to New Bishop

Apr 25, 2023

The representative of the Holy Father in Mozambique has urged the new Auxiliary Bishop of the country’s Catholic Archdiocese of Maputo to look out for lost sheep in the example of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd.

Archbishop Inácio Saúre with Catholic youth in Nampula Archdiocese. Credit: Nampula Archdiocese

Planned Mozambican Version of World Youth Day to Prepare Youth for Lisbon 2023

Jun 17, 2022

The Mozambican version of World Youth Day (WYD) scheduled for November aims at preparing young people in the Southern African nation to participate in the one to be held in Lisbon in 2023, a Catholic Archbishop in the country has said.

Archbishop Inácio Saúre of Nampula Archdiocese, President of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique (CEM). Credit: Vatican Media

Mozambican Catholic Archdiocese “overwhelmed” by Increasing IDPs from Cabo Delgado

Jun 13, 2022

The increasing number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the violence-stricken Cabo Delgado Province covered by Mozambique’s Pemba Diocese is overwhelming, the Catholic Archbishop of the country’s Nampula Archdiocese that is playing host to a section of the IDPs has said.