
Cardinal Gerhard Muller

Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, and Bishop Robert Barron. | Credit: Alan Koppschall/EWTN; ACI Africa; Courtesy of DeChant-Hughes Public Relations

More Bishops Voice Criticism, Support for Vatican Document on Blessing Same-sex Couples

Dec 21, 2023

Some bishops, including Cardinal Gerhard Müller and several bishops in Africa, have firmly denounced the Vatican’s document.

Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Credit: Bohumil Petrik/CNA

Updated: Cardinal Sarah says he did not sign letter claiming coronavirus exploited for one-world government

May 9, 2020

The prefect of the Church’s dicastery for liturgy and sacraments is listed among the signers of an open letter that says the coronavirus pandemic has been exaggerated to foster widespread social panic and undercut freedom, as a preparation for the establishment of a one-world government.