
Catholic Church in Africa

Credit: Harambee Africa International (HAI)

Rome-Based Catholic Development Agency Opens Contest for Storytelling on Africa’s “beauty”

Feb 22, 2024

Storytellers in Africa have been invited to participate in the 10th edition of "Conveying Africa" contest through which Harambee Africa International (HAI), a Rome-based Catholic development agency, seeks to communicate the challenges, hopes, richness, and diversity of the continent.

Members of the Regional Episcopal Conferences of North Africa (CERNA). Credit: Rabat Archdiocese

Subject Fiducia Supplicans to “calm” Analysis in Ongoing Synod: North Africa Bishops

Jan 17, 2024

There is need to subject Fiducia Supplicans (FS) that permits members of the Clergy to bless “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations” to the ongoing Synod on Synodality that Pope Francis extended to 2024, Catholic Bishops in North Africa have said. 

A group of Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria, where 200 people were killed over Christmas. Credit: ACN

Catholic Charity Raises £200k in Two Months to Support Suffering Christians in Africa

Jan 16, 2024

The “£100k4Africa” challenge that the Catholic Pontifical and charity foundation, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) UK, launched during last year’s #RedWednesday initiatives to support persecuted Christians in Africa has raised £200,000.

Pope Francis at his general audience on May 17, 2023 (left) and Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo, President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) (right). Credit: Daniel Ibanez/SECAM

“Culture does not accept it”: Pope Francis on Africa’s Opposition to Fiducia Supplicans

Jan 15, 2024

Fiducia Supplicans (FS), the December 18 Vatican Declaration permitting members of the Clergy to bless “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations” will not be implemented in Africa “because the culture does not accept it,” Pope Francis has been quoted as saying.

Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo, President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM). Credit: ACI Africa

No Blessing for “same-sex couples” in Africa, Catholic Bishops Declare, Vatican Agrees

Jan 11, 2024

The Vatican declaration on the possibility of blessing “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations”, which the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF) released on December 18 will not be implemented in Africa, Catholic Bishops have said.

St. Peter's Basilica. | Credit: vvo/Shutterstock

Fiducia Supplicans: More Reactions from Catholic Bishops in Africa on Same-sex Blessings

Jan 4, 2024

Reactions have continued to pour in from Catholic Bishops in Africa on Fiducia Supplicans (FS), with many expressing their reservations about the Vatican declaration on the possibility of blessing “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations”, which the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith (DDF) released on Monday, December 18.

Fridolin Cardinal Ambongo, President of the Symposium of Episcopal Conference of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM). Credit: SECAM

Catholic Bishops in Africa Consult “to provide unequivocal clarity” on Fiducia Supplicans

Dec 21, 2023

Catholic Bishops in Africa are consulting among themselves in view of issuing a “single synodal pronouncement” on Fiducia Supplicans, the Vatican declaration on the possibility of blessing “same-sex couples” and couples in other “irregular situations”. 

Some of the participants at the ongoing seminar organized by the Union of the African Catholic Press (UCAP) in Uganda. Credit: Charles Ndawula UCAP President Uganda

Avoid “half-truths” in Environmental Reporting: African Catholic Journalists Told

Nov 8, 2023

Catholic journalists in Africa have been told to be more intentional in their work, and to desist from communicating half-baked stories and “half-truths” in their environmental reporting.

Pope Francis arrived in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Jan. 31, 2023. The streets of the pope’s five-mile drive from the N’Dolo Airport to the presidential residence were lined with thousands of locals who cheered and waved flags. | Credit: Vatican Media

Vatican Statistics: Africa Had Biggest Increase in Catholics, While Numbers Fell in Europe

Oct 24, 2023

Catholics in the world numbered 1,375,852,000 people at the end of 2021, with an overall increase of 16.2 million compared with the previous year. 

Logo of the African Union (AU). Credit : AU

"Make Africa's voice heard" at G20: Catholic Bishops in Africa to African Union Leadership

Sep 18, 2023

Now that the African Union (AU) is a permanent member of the Group of Twenty (G20), its leadership has to be vocal about Africa’s interests, and help realize “economic justice” and “lasting peace” across the globe, Catholic Bishops in Africa have said. 

Pope Francis presides over a Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome on July 23, 2023, for the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. | Vatican Media

Pope Francis Calls for “urgent aid, assistance” to Migrants in Northern Africa

Jul 24, 2023

Pope Francis is calling upon governments in Africa and Europe to urgently help migrants in North Africa, who he said are undergoing “unspeakable suffering”.

Pope Francis met the Catholic bishops of the Democratic Republic of Congo on his final day in Kinshasa on Feb. 3, 2023 | Elias Turk/CNA

Congolese Catholics are "a lung" for the Universal Church: Pope Francis

Feb 3, 2023

The enthusiasm, joy, and missionary zeal of Congolese Catholics give oxygen to the whole Church, Pope Francis said during his final meeting in the Democratic Republic of Congo on Friday.

The Apostolic Nuncio in Burkina and Niger unveils the placard bearing Pope Benedict XVI Street in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou/ Credit: Fr. Paul Dah

Naming of Street after Pope Benedict XVI “brings hope to Burkina Faso, Africa”: Cardinal

Jan 8, 2023

The naming of the Ouagadougou street where the Apostolic Nunciature in Burkina Faso is located after Pope emeritus Benedict XVI “brings hope” to the West African nation as well as the African continent, the Cardinal in the country said.

Archbishop Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag was assigned as apostolic nuncio in Senegal, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, and Mauritania in Africa on Sept. 6, 2022. | Photo credit: César Pérez / Archdiocese of Managua

Nuncio Expelled from Nicaragua Appointed Papal Representative to Four African Nations

Sep 6, 2022

Archbishop Waldemar Stanisław Sommertag who was expelled from Nicaragua amid harassment of Church personnel by the government of the Central American nation has been appointed the representative of the Holy Father in Senegal, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, and Mauritania.

Cardinal Richard Baawobr of Wa (Ghana). SECAM

New Ghanaian Cardinal to Undergo Heart Surgery in Rome

Aug 31, 2022

Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr is expected to undergo heart surgery in Rome by the end of this week, according to the spokesman for the Ghana Catholic bishops' conference.

Dr. Paolo Ruffini addressing delegates at the of the Sixth SIGNIS World Congress 2022 in Seoul, South Korea. Credit: SIGNIS

Focus on Dialogue, Not “on marketing of ideas”: Vatican Official to Catholic Journalists

Aug 17, 2022

The Prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for Communications has challenged Catholic communicators around the globe to foster dialogue in their practice of journalism and not the “marketing of ideas”.