
Catholic Church in Angola

Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Mission Month: Catholic Official in Angola Advocates for Action-based Solidarity with Poor

Oct 5, 2023

During the month of mission, October, the people of God in Angola need to go beyond proclaiming the Gospel in mere words, and manifest their solidarity with the poor and needy through actions. 

St. Francis of Assisi. | Bradley Weber via Flickr CC BY NC ND 2.0.

St. Francis of Assisi: Catholic Official in Angola Calls for Actions “in favor of planet”

Oct 4, 2023

The people of God in Angola need to avoid actions that contribute to the destruction of the planet, the National Director for Justice and Peace Commission of the Bishops' Conference of Angola and São Tomé and Príncipe (CEAST) has said.

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Directs Parishes to Set Up “appropriate” Catechesis Facilities

Oct 4, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has directed Catholic Parishes in his Episcopal See to work towards establishing “appropriate” facilities for catechesis that would see an end to having catechetical classes under trees.

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti with members of the Clergy in Cabinda Diocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia Angola

At Anniversary of Angolan Catholic Diocese, Bishop Recognizes Missionaries’ “sacrifices”

Oct 3, 2023

On the occasion of the Ruby Jubilee of the Catholic Diocese of Cabinda in Angola, the Local Ordinary has recognized the “sacrifices and efforts” of missionaries involved in spreading the Gospel in his Episcopal See.

Bishop Vicente Carlos Kiaziku of Angola’s Mbanza Congo Diocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Bishop in Angola Calls for Collective Action to Curb Illegal Migration

Sep 29, 2023

Bishop Vicente Carlos Kiaziku of Angola’s Mbanza Congo Diocese has called for collection action in curbing migration, a phenomenon he describes as “complex”, requiring careful analysis.

Fathers Domingos Filipe Isildo, Dário Bento Caxicula Francisca and Evaristo Rubem Econgo ordained 24 September 2023. Credit: Caxito Catholic News

“Be faithful and zealous”: Catholic Bishop in Angola to Newly Ordained Priests

Sep 28, 2023

Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto of Caxito Diocese in Angola has challenged the three Deacons he ordained to the Priesthood on September 24 to be “faithful and zealous” in their ministry.

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Cabinda Diocese. Credit: CEAST

Catholic Bishop in Angola Urges Scouts to “be firm, courageous”, Lead Others to Faith

Sep 23, 2023

Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti of Angola’s Cabinda Diocese has urged members of the Angolan National Scouting Movement to be “firm and courageous”, and to lead others to faith in God.

Archbishop Zeferino Zeca Martins of Angola’s Huambo Archdiocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

Catholic Archbishop in Angola Cautions Christians against Superstition, Urges Prudence

Sep 21, 2023

The Archbishop of Angola’s Huambo Archdiocese has cautioned Christians of Holy Cross Canhé Parish of his Metropolitan See against superstitions, and urged them to “be astute and prudent” in their faith practice. 

St. Joseph Major Seminary of Lwena Diocese in Angola. Credit: Fr. Amilton Camuele

Seminarians in Angolan Diocese Cautioned against “excessive use of social media”

Sep 20, 2023

Bishop Martín Lasarte Topolansky of Angola’s Lwena Diocese has cautioned Seminarians in his Episcopal See against “excessive use of social media.”

Archbishop Luzizila Kiala of Malanje Archdiocese in Angola. Credit: Vatican Media

Foster Catholic Identity: Archbishop in Angola to Archdiocesan Institutions of Learning

Sep 17, 2023

Archbishop Luzizila Kiala of Malanje Archdiocese in Angola has called upon students and administrative staff of Catholic institutions of learning in his Metropolitan See to foster a Catholic identity and Christian values.

Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi of Angola’s Lubango Archdiocese. Credit: CEAST

Confirmation Candidates at Angolan Catholic Parish Urged to Witness Christian Values

Sep 16, 2023

Recipients of the Sacrament of Confirmation are expected to champion the Christian values of love, forgiveness, peace and justice in their respective communities, Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi of Angola’s Lubango Archdiocese has said. 

Archbishop Germano Penemote addressing journalists Wednesday, September 6 after an audience with Angola’s President, João Lourenço. Credit: Presidency of Angola

“I'm going with pride”: Angolan-born Apostolic Nuncio on Diplomatic Mission to Pakistan

Sep 7, 2023

Archbishop Germano Penemote, a member of the Clergy of Angola’s Ondjiva Diocese, who was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Pakistan on June 16 has expressed his readiness for the new mission.

Bishop Martín Lasarte Topolansky of Angola’s Lwena Diocese. Credit: Radio Ecclesia

New Catholic Bishop in Angola Highlights Four Symbols to Guide His Episcopal Ministry

Sep 6, 2023

The newly consecrated Catholic Bishop of Angola’s Lwena Diocese has highlighted four symbols that are to guide his Episcopal Ministry in the Southern African nation.

Bishop Antonio Lunguieki (left), Bishop Belmiro Tchissengueti (center) and Bishop Mauricio Camuto (right) during the 28 August press conference. Credit: ACI Africa

Respect the Presidency: Catholic Bishops in Angola on Proposal to Oust President

Aug 29, 2023

Catholic Bishops in Angola are calling for respect of the Presidency in the Southern African nation amid a proposal to oust the country’s President from power. 

The two ciboria donated to St. John Calabria Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda in Angola that was desecrated when bandits attacked the church on July 10. Credit: ACI Africa

Desecrated Catholic Parish in Angola Receives Two Ciboria after ACI Africa Coverage

Aug 10, 2023

Members of St Norbert's Parish  in Paoli, PA near Philadelphia in the United States of America have donated two ciboria to St. John Calabria Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda in Angola that was desecrated when bandits attacked the church on July 10.

An Angolan pilgrim at WYD in Portugal. Credit: Angola Viture Parish

False Alarm: Dioceses in Angola, Cape Verde Dismiss Reports of Missing WYD Pilgrims

Aug 1, 2023

Catholic Dioceses in Angola and Cape Verde have discredited media reports indicating that 106 pilgrims participating in the 2023 World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal are missing from the respective delegations, terming the reports “exaggerated.”

Archbishop Giovanni Gaspari, Apostolic Nuncio in Angola. Credit: João Vissesse/ACI Africa

“Church in Angola looks to you with admiration”: Nuncio to Consecrated Persons

Jul 29, 2023

The Apostolic Nuncio in Angola has expressed appreciation to Consecrated men and women in the country saying the Church looks upon them with “admiration and gratitude.”

Bishop Firmino David, the newly Consecrated Bishop of Angola’s Sumbe Diocese. Credit: Radio Maria Angola

Newly Ordained Catholic Bishop in Angola Urged to Foster Episcopal “service, not honor”

Jul 25, 2023

Bishop Firmino David, the newly Consecrated Bishop of Angola’s Sumbe Diocese will need to foster “service and not honor” during his Episcopal ministry.

Some unidentified criminals who desecrated the St. John Calabria Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda in Angola, opened the Tabernacle and removed the hosts, threw them on the floor, and then took two Ciboria. Credit: Jose Quiabolo

Angolan Catholic Church Desecrated, Blessed Sacrament Scattered

Jul 14, 2023

The church of St. John Calabria Parish of the Catholic Archdiocese of Luanda in Angola was desecrated, with the desecrators making away with two Ciboria after accessing the Tabernacle, the Parish Priest has said.

Seminarians of the St. Joseph Major Seminary of Angola's Lwena Diocese. Credit: Fr. Amilton Camuele

Angolan Major Seminaries Seeking Partnership for Training of “hundreds of Seminarians”

Jul 13, 2023

St. Joseph Major Seminary and St. John Mary Vianney Propaedeutic Seminary in Angola’s Lwena Diocese are seeking partnerships for the upkeep of the “hundreds of Seminarians” enrolled in the two institutions of Priestly formation.