
Catholic Diocese of Bauchi

Fr. Justine Dyikuk at the June 1 launch of his book 'Me and my Rosary' in Glasgow, Scotland. Credit: Fr. Justine Dyikuk

“A spiritual treasure”: Reviewers on Nigerian Catholic Priest's Book Promoting Rosary Devotion

Jun 25, 2024

Fr. Justine John Dyikuk’s book, “Me and My Rosary”, has been lauded by various Catholic Church leaders in Africa and in the UK, where it was launched early this month as “a spiritual treasure” that adds to the Theology of the Catholic Church and an invitation to conversion.

Fr. Justine Dyikuk at the June 1 launch of his book 'Me and my Rosary' in Glasgow, Scotland. Credit: Fr. Justine Dyikuk

Testimony of Conversion Behind Nigerian Catholic Priest’s Book Promoting The Rosary

Jun 24, 2024

Five years ago, Fr. Justine John Dyikuk promised himself to always pray the 20 decades of the Holy Rosary every day for the rest of his life. This was after experiencing what the Nigerian Catholic Priest describes as a divine encounter that changed his life for good.