
Catholic Diocese of Machakos

Credit: Governor Press Service-Makueni County

Valueless Education Behind “small club of super-rich in a sea of poverty”: Catholic Bishop at School Launch in Kenya

Feb 18, 2025

The lack of value-based education in Kenyan institutions of learning is behind the widening gap between a small wealthy elite and the much larger impoverished population in the East African nation, Bishop Norman King'oo Wambua of the Catholic Diocese of Machakos in Kenya has said.

Logo  National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) in Kenya. Credit: National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)

Kenya’s Health Insurance Fund “outrightly crippling our hospitals”: Catholic Bishop

Feb 17, 2024

The National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF), Kenya’s parastatal that provides universal health coverage (UHC) to citizens through a medical insurance cover, is dysfunctional and negatively affecting the offering of services in health institutions in the East African nation, including health facilities under the auspices of the Catholic Church, Bishop Norman King’oo Wambua has said.