
Christmas Mass

Today, Friday, December 24, We Celebrate Vigil of Christmas

Dec 24, 2024

In the first ages, during the night before every feast, a vigil was kept. In the evening the faithful assembled in the place or church where the feast was to be celebrated and prepared themselves by prayers, readings from Holy Writ (now the Offices of Vespers and Matins), and sometimes also by hearing a sermon.

Pope Francis takes a figure of the Christ child in his arms at the end of the Vatican's Mass for the Nativity of the Lord on Dec. 24, 2023. | Vatican Media

Jesus was Born to Save the World: Pope Francis at Christmas Mass

Dec 24, 2023

In his Christmas homily, Pope Francis shared a message for anyone who may be feeling sad or discouraged with a reminder that the Lord was born to save the world and to give us a hope that is greater than all of our problems.

Pope Francis offers Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. Vatican Media

"God comes into the world in littleness": Pope Francis in Christmas Homily

Dec 24, 2021

In his Christmas homily, Pope Francis asked Christians to contemplate that God did not choose to come into the world in grandeur, but as a humble child born into poverty.

Pope Francis celebrates Christmas Mass in St. Peter's Basilica Dec. 24, 2018. Vatican Media.

Christmas at the Vatican: Here are the Liturgies Pope Francis Will Celebrate This Year

Dec 14, 2021

The Vatican has published Pope Francis’ Christmas schedule for this year.

Pope Francis offers Mass in St. Peter's Basilica Dec. 24, 2020. Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/Vatican Pool.

“That manger, poor in everything yet rich in love”: Pope Francis on Christmas Eve

Dec 26, 2020

On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis said that the poverty of Christ’s birth in a stable contains an important lesson for today.