
Death Penalty

Pope Francis addresses the faithful during second vespers on the feast of Our Lady of the Snows at the Basilica of St. Mary Major on Aug. 5, 2024. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis Pens Preface to U.S. Death Row Chaplain’s Book on Death Penalty

Aug 19, 2024

The pope personally penned the introduction to “A Christian on Death Row: My Commitment to Those Condemned” by Dale Recinella.

Members of the National Episcopal Conference of Congo (CENCO). Credit: CENCO

Death Penalty Degrading, “incompatible with the Gospel”: Catholic Bishops in DR Congo

Mar 25, 2024

Catholic Bishops in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have condemned the decision by the government of the Central African nation to lift a 2003 ban on the death penalty, saying it is a “degrading treatment” that is not in accordance with the Gospel.

Archbishop Stephen Ameyu of South Sudan's Juba Archdiocese/ Credit: Courtesy Photo

South Sudanese Archbishop Discourages Death Penalty, Commits to “push for” Abolition

Jun 29, 2021

The Archbishop of South Sudan’s Juba Archdiocese has discouraged the practice of death penalty in the East-Central African nation and promised to face the country’s judiciary to push for its abolition.

Rome-Based Lay Catholic Association Hails Abolition of Death Penalty in Malawi

May 3, 2021

The leadership of the Rome-based lay Catholic association dedicated to the provision of social services and arbitrating conflicts, Sant’Egidio Community, has hailed the abolition of the death penalty in the Southeastern African nation of Malawi.