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Vatican Conference Examines Artificial Intelligence Implications for Democracy, Justice

Mar 5, 2025

The two-day workshop, titled “Artificial Intelligence, Justice, and Democracy,” was hosted by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.

Dr. Todd Ovokaitys speaks at the World Changers Ethical & Innovation Summit at the Pontifical Lateran University in Vatican City, Nov. 26, 2024 / Credit: Courtney Mares/CNA

Scientists and CEOs Share Big Ideas at Vatican Ethical Innovation Summit

Nov 27, 2024

This week's World Changers Ethical & Innovation Summit at the Vatican's Pontifical Lateran University showcased groundbreaking ideas for innovation in various fields.

Pope Francis participates in his first G7 Summit on June 14, 2024. In his remarks, the pontiff stressed that human dignity requires that the decisions of artificial intelligence (AI) be under the control of human beings. / Credit: Vatican Media

Pope Francis at G7: Artificial Intelligence Must Not Replace Human Decision-making

Jun 14, 2024

Pope Francis at the G7 summit on Friday stressed that human dignity requires that the decisions of artificial intelligence be under the control of human beings.

Credit: Tangaza University College (TUC)

Leadership Failure in Africa Key Highlight at Ethics Postgraduate Program Launch in Kenya

Apr 11, 2021

The failure of those entrusted with leadership in various countries of Africa to live up to their mandate was a key highlight during the launch of a new ethics postgraduate program to be offered at a Kenya-based Catholic institution.


The Ethics of Moderna's Coronavirus Vaccine

Nov 17, 2020

While the Bishop of Tyler asserted Monday that the coronavirus vaccine being developed by Moderna “is not morally produced”, the National Catholic Bioethics Center and the Charlotte Lozier Institute have indicated it is ethical.