
Father Timothy Radcliffe

“Rushing to ask for the ordination of deaconesses is not today the most important response to promote women,” Cardinal Víctor Fernández, the head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, said Oct. 21, 2024. / Credit: Daniel Ibáñez/EWTN News

Diaconate "is not today" the Answer for Promoting Women in Church Leadership: Doctrine of Faith Dicastery Prefect

Oct 21, 2024

Cardinal Víctor Fernández at a speech at the general congregation on Oct. 21 recalled that for the Holy Father the question of the female diaconate “is not ripe.”

Father Timothy Radcliffe told the Synod on Synodality delegates that the time before the 2024 assembly “will be probably the most fertile time of the whole synod, the time of germination.” / Credit: Vatican Media

Ahead of Synod Session, Dominican and Jesuit Publish on Catholics Identifying as LGBTQ

Sep 23, 2024

Father Timothy Radcliffe and Father James Martin weigh in on same-sex attraction before the synod.