Pope Francis said Wednesday that it is essential for Christians to participate in the liturgy and the sacraments to encounter the Real Presence of Jesus.
Pope Francis urged Catholics on Wednesday to praise God not only in happy times, “but above all in difficult moments.”
Catholics can change the world by being “bearers of gratitude,” Pope Francis said at the general audience Wednesday.
Prayer is so powerful that “even death trembles when a Christian prays,” Pope Francis said at the general audience Wednesday.
Pope Francis said Wednesday that God does not wait for us to stop sinning to start loving us, but always holds out hope for the conversion of even the most hardened sinner.
Catholics risk going astray if they neglect the four essential characteristics of Church life, Pope Francis said at the general audience Wednesday.
After nine weeks of public general audiences, Pope Francis’ weekly gathering will again take place behind closed doors, the Vatican said Thursday.
Pope Francis invited Catholics to rediscover the beauty of the rosary prayer this month, encouraging people to carry a rosary with them in their pockets.
Tourists in Rome had an unexpected chance to see Pope Francis at his first public audience for almost six months.
In our darkest moments God awaits us and is ready to transform us, Pope Francis said at his general audience Wednesday.
Prayer is a refuge and protection against the evil of the world, Pope Francis said in his general audience address Wednesday.
Prayer opens the door of hope, Pope Francis said at the general audience Wednesday.
Meditating on Christ's Passion can help us as we struggle with questions about God and suffering during the coronavirus crisis, Pope Francis said at his general audience Wednesday.