Pope Francis delivered his annual “state of the world” address on Thursday, asking ambassadors to pursue a “diplomacy of hope” in the 2025 Jubilee Year.
The Vatican plays a unique diplomatic role in global conflicts, despite lacking military power, as Pope Francis navigates peace efforts.
Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Ettore Balestrero, the Apostolic Nuncio in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as the representative of the Holy See to the United Nations and Specialized Institutions in Geneva.
In his public diplomatic efforts in the war in Ukraine, Pope Francis has repeatedly said that he is ready to go to Kyiv, but only if that trip can be combined with a trip to Moscow.
The global community is engaged in a “third world war” marked by heightened fear, conflict, and risk of nuclear violence, but a recommitment to “truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom” can provide a pathway to peace, Pope Francis told international diplomats Monday.
The pope spoke to almost 100 apostolic nuncios and permanent observers of the Holy See who are meeting in Rome this week.
The 37th Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis, which will take him to Canada from July 24-30, is a "penitential pilgrimage” that may also help to heal and reconcile another relationship.
The pope was speaking to members of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy.
The pope was giving his annual “state of the world” address.
The Holy See has been granted permanent observer status to the World Health Organization following resolution adopted by consensus on May 31.
In his annual address to diplomats Thursday, Pope Francis stressed that solidarity is needed in 2020 to overcome polarization for the sake of the poor, who suffer when the common good is disregarded.