
Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL)

Bishop Bob John Hassan Koroma of the Catholic Diocese of Makeni in Sierra Leone. Credit: Catholic Diocese of Makeni

“Vote categorically against that bill”: Catholic Bishop to Sierra Leone’s Legislators on Bill to Legalize Abortion

Dec 27, 2024

Sierra Leone’s proposed Bill that is dubbed “Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Care Act 2024” should be rejected, Bishop Bob John Hassan Koroma of the country’s Catholic Diocese of Makeni has told Legislators of the West African nation. 

“Clearly forbidden”: Religious Leaders in Sierra Leone Oppose Government Plan to Legalize Abortion

Dec 23, 2024

The Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL) has opposed a draft Bill that seeks to legalize abortion in the West African nation, noting that the Bill “gravely” contradicts religious teachings in the country.

Members of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL). Credit: The Calabash Newspaper/Facebook

Pro-Abortion Activists Fabricating Maternal Death Statistics to Push for Abortion in Sierra Leone: Religious Leaders

Dec 21, 2024

In order to push for the legalization of abortion in Sierra Leone, local and international pro-abortion activists are fabricating figures to show how lack of “safe access to abortion” is leading to massive deaths, faith-based leaders in the West African country have said.

Members of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL). Credit: The Calabash Newspaper/Facebook

“Early warning signs of election violence”: Sierra Leone’s Religious Leaders ahead of Poll

Apr 24, 2023

Members of the Inter-Religious Council of Sierra Leone (IRCSL) have observed with concern the rising cases of ethnic-based campaigns, and unrest, among other occurrences that the faith-based leaders are terming “early warning signs of conflict and election violence” as the country’s poll date approaches.