

Outgoing Kericho Bishop, Emmanuel Okombo hands over the crosier to Bishop Alfred Rotich. The crosier is a sign of a bishop's authority and jurisdiction. / ACI Africa

“Do not consider abortion, run to my office for help”: Kenyan Bishop at His Installation

Feb 18, 2020

The plight of girls in crisis pregnancies within the Ecclesiastical territory covered by Kenya’s Kericho Diocese was a key highlight of Bishop Alfred Rotich’s speech during his installation Saturday, February 15. The Kenyan Bishop, previously the Local Ordinary of the Military Ordinariate in Kenya, called on girls facing the challenge to seek help through the Family Life office in his diocese, and not consider abortion.

Kenya's late former President Daniel Moi (right) greeting the former Catholic Bishop of Eldoret Diocese, the late Cornelius Korir (left)

Bishops in Kenya Recognize Late President’s Faith Practice, “always put God before all”

Feb 7, 2020

Following the death of Kenya’s second president Daniel Moi Tuesday, February 4, Catholic Bishops in the East African country have paid tribute to the country’s longest serving leader, acknowledging him as one who “always put God before all.”

The late Fr. Richard Quinn, MM who passed on January, 27, 2020. He is the founder of Ukweli Video Productions. / Courtesy

Kenyans Pay Glowing Tribute to American Missionary, Founder of First Audiovisual Centre

Jan 30, 2020

Members of the clergy, religious and the laity who interacted with the American Missionary Fr. Richard Quinn, known in Kenya for founding the first audiovisual production centre, the  Ukweli Video Productions, have paid glowing tributes to him following his death on Monday, January 27 at the age of 93.

The front page of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops' 2020 Lenten campaign booklet / Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops

Catholics in Kenya to Foster “stewardship” During Lenten Season 2020

Jan 21, 2020

With this year’s Season of Lent starting February 26, the Catholic Bishops in the East African nation of Kenya are expecting Catholics in the country to focus their attention on “stewardship” during the 40-day period, striving to take good care of God’s creation and gifts with “more respect, solidarity and vigilance.”

Bishop Alfred Rotich, retired Local Ordinary of Kenya's Military Ordinariate, appointed as Bishop of Kericho Diocese in Kenya on December 14, 2019 / ACI Africa

Newly Appointed Kenyan Bishop Rotich: Early Desires, Military Apostolate, Returning Home

Dec 16, 2019

Appointed Saturday, December 14 to shepherd the people of God in Kenya’s Kericho Diocese by the Holy Father, Bishop Alfred Rotich, the retired Military Ordinariate Local Ordinary was born in the same diocese 62 years ago to a family of 13 children. This is part of the Rift Valley region, a place whose weather pattern, warm temperate climate and slightly acidic soil is appropriate for agriculture, with inhabitants engaged in large scale tea farming as their main cash crop.

Kenya's Religious leaders during the two-day forum in Nairobi / Caritas Kenya

Kenya’s Religious Leaders Endorse “Building Bridges Initiative,” Propose “refinement”

Dec 6, 2019

A week after the launch of the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report, a much-awaited document with recommendations on ending post-election conflicts in Kenya, representatives of religious leaders in the East Africa country have, during their two-day meeting in Nairobi, endorsed the 156-page report, making some proposals for “further consultations and refinement.”

Representation of the 2030 Agenda, basis of Caritas Kenya report based on research through six case studies

Caritas Study Finds Kenya’s Development Agenda and Agenda 2030 Strongly Aligned

Nov 22, 2019

Four years after countries under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development encompassing 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a report by the development arm of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB), Caritas Kenya indicates that the East African country is “strongly aligned” to the global targets on development.

Bishops in Kenya taking commitment to fight against Corruption during the unveiling of six-month nation-wide campaign against corruption at Subukia Shrine,  Kenya on October 5, 2019 / ACI Africa

Taking Stock of Catholic Bishops’ Anti-Corruption Campaign in Kenya, Testimonies

Nov 7, 2019

A month after the Catholic Bishops in Kenya launched a six-month country-wide campaign against graft through what they called “Breaking the Chains of Corruption,” ACI Africa has reached out to the Prelates to testify about the progress of their widely publicized and acclaimed initiative. While some have started off the campaign, others are yet to officially roll out the planned activities in their respective dioceses and jurisdictions amid dissenting voices from some priests.