As the Church celebrates the feast of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity on March 7, here are some interesting things to know about these early martyrs.
As the Church celebrates the feast of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity on March 7, here are some interesting things to know about these early martyrs.
Although not much is known about the life of St. Agnes, there are many stories passed down since her martyrdom in the fourth century.
On Jan. 12, we honor the feast days of several martyrs and groups of martyrs at a time when there are more martyrs than ever.
A chapel of one form or another memorializing Stephen’s martyrdom has existed at the site since at least the fifth century.
At Sunday’s Angelus, Pope Francis called for applause for the 20 martyrs beatified in the Seville cathedral on Nov. 18.
The Vatican announced Wednesday the creation of a commission to research and catalog the stories of Christian martyrs from the third millennium.
Pope Francis said Thursday that the Coptic Orthodox martyrs killed by ISIS in 2015 will be added to the Catholic Church’s official list of saints. He also received a relic of the martyrs’ blood as a gift.
The relics of two South Sudanese Catholic Sisters who were among five people killed following a road ambush in August 2021 have been placed in the sanctuary of the new African martyrs in a church in Rome.
At the request of the bishops of France and the Order of Carmelites Discalced (OCD), Pope Francis agreed on Feb. 22 to open a special process known in the Catholic Church as “equipollent canonization” to raise the 16 Carmelite martyrs of Compiègne to the altars.
Father Cosme Spessotto, Father Rutilio Grande, and two lay companions were declared blessed.
The two South Sudanese Catholic Sisters who were among five people killed following a road ambush earlier this week have been eulogized as martyrs.
Soon-to-be Blessed Rosario Livatino was a Catholic judge brutally killed by the mafia in Sicily in 1990. Today his legal legacy lives on through the work of a center in Italy dedicated to issues of life, the family, and religious freedom.
Pope Francis on Sunday encouraged Christians to fear sin, not the hostility, violence, or persecution they may face when sharing the Gospel with the world.
The President of the international Catholic pastoral charitable organization, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), Thomas Heine-Beldern, has described the just ended year, 2019, as a year with a significantly high record of attacks targeting Christians across the globe, including Africa where Christians have been murdered in West Africa.
The death of St. Stephen, the Church’s first martyr, teaches Catholics to renew their commitment to charity and self-gift, part of the meaning of Christmas, Pope Francis said Thursday.
Pope Francis celebrated Mass Saturday for the souls of the dead in Rome’s Catacombs of Priscilla, saying the place of a Christian is in the safety of the hands of God, whatever the outside circumstances might be.