

UK Bishops Pray for Peace amid Widespread Violent Protests Over Stabbing Attack

Aug 6, 2024

Auxiliary Bishop Paul McAleenan of Westminster condemned the appalling violence over the past week, especially that directed at migrants.

null / Credit: Shuterstock

This is Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for the Month of June

Jun 1, 2024

In a video, the Holy Father announced that his prayer intention for June is for those fleeing their homelands.

Pope Francis attends the general audience in the Paul VI Audience Hall Oct. 21, 2020. | Vatican Media.

Pope Francis Urges Humanitarian Response to Darien Migration Tragedy

Dec 20, 2023

“We need the joint effort of the most directly affected countries and the international community to prevent this tragic reality,” Pope Francis said.

A migrant boat on the beach at Camposoto San Fernando Cádiz, Spain. | Credit: Shutterstock

Morocco Cardinal Denounces Enslavement, Violence against African Migrants en route to Euro

Oct 12, 2023

Cardinal Cristóbal López Romero said: “We are talking about robberies, violence, rape, and being sold as slaves.”

Pope Francis offers Mass in Bari, Italy on Feb. 23, 2020. | Daniel Ibanez/CNA.

Vatican Announces Schedule of Pope Francis' Trip to France in September

Jul 29, 2023

Less than three weeks after he returns from Mongolia in early September, Pope Francis will travel internationally again with a day trip to Marseille, France, Sept. 22–23. It will be his third trip over a six-week period, as he will be in Lisbon, Portugal, Aug. 2–6 for World Youth Day.

Vatican Media

On World Refugee Day, Pope Francis Urges Action; Companies Pledge to Hire Refugees

Jun 20, 2023

June 20 is World Refugee Day, a day established by the United Nations to promote awareness of the estimated 27.1 million refugees displaced by violence and conflict across the globe. 

Migrants in Greece. | Ververidis Vasilis via

Pope Francis Urges Freedom in Message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees

May 11, 2023

In his message for the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, released May 11, Pope Francis recognized the migratory flows of our times as “the expression of a complex and varied phenomenon” that requires analysis of the different stages, including the departure, arrival, and the possibility of returning to one’s homeland.

Credit: Courtesy Photo

Catholic Commission in Mozambique to Shift Attention to Migrants in Planned Workshops

Sep 24, 2022

After the 2014 launch of a national campaign to raise awareness about the scourge of human trafficking in Mozambique, the Episcopal Commission for Migrants, Refugees and Displaced Persons (CEMIRDE) of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique (CEM) will hold workshops on human trafficking during the month of October in South Africa, an official has said.

Pope Francis visits a reception center for asylum seekers in Castelnuovo di Porto, Italy, on March 24, 2016. Vatican Media.

Migrants and Refugees Have "enormous potential" to Help Society: Pope Francis

May 12, 2022

The pope made the comment in his message for World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2022.

Pope Francis visits a reception center for asylum seekers in Castelnuovo di Porto, north of Rome, on March 24, 2016. Vatican Media.

New Vatican Guide on Migrant Ministry Promotes Encounter with Others: Pope Francis

Mar 24, 2022

‘All of us are called to commit ourselves to universal fraternity,’ the pope wrote in a preface to the new guide.

Credit: IMBISA

Life of Refugees, Migrants Entails “risking everything”: Catholic Priest in Zimbabwe

Feb 8, 2022

A Catholic Priest in Zimbabwe coordinating an office of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ZCBC) has highlighted the plight of refugees and migrants, saying that their lives entail “risking everything” in search of a better life.

Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale of South Africa's Johannesburg Archdiocese. Credit: SACBC

Consider Refugees, Migrants “new missionary territory,” South African Archbishop Says

Jan 1, 2022

The Archbishop of South Africa’s Johannesburg Archdiocese has expressed concern about the difficult lives of refugees and migrants, especially their challenging search for settlement, and suggested that the vulnerable group be considered “a new missionary territory”.

Archbishop Buti Joseph Tlhagale of South Africa's Johannesburg Archdiocese. Credit: SACBC

Create Migrant, Refugee Offices in Parishes, South African Catholic Archbishop Proposes

Dec 31, 2021

The plight of refugees and migrants as far as documentation is concerned can be addressed by the creation of an office that specifically deals with this vulnerable group in each Catholic Parish, a Catholic Archbishop in South Africa has proposed.

Pope Francis visits the Mavrovouni refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos on Dec. 5, 2021. Vatican Media

Pope Francis Calls Migrant Crisis a "shipwreck of civilization" during Refugee Camp Visit

Dec 5, 2021

Pope Francis visited the Mavrovouni migrant reception and identification center located along the shore of the island of Lesbos,

Grace and Daniel have been stuck in Cyprus' buffer zone for more than six months after they fled Cameroon. Alexey Gotovskiy/EWTN

Two Cameroonian Christians among Migrants Pope Francis is Helping to Bring to Italy

Dec 4, 2021

As a sign of Pope Francis’ concern for migrants, the Vatican has announced that it is helping to arrange the transfer of refugees from Cyprus to Italy, among them, two Christians who fled the Central African nation of Cameroon.

Pope Francis gives his Angelus address on Oct. 24, 2021. Vatican Media

Pope Francis Appeals That Migrants Not Be Sent Back to Unsafe Countries

Oct 24, 2021

Pope Francis called on the international community to stop deporting migrants to unsafe countries.

Migrants on an overcrowded boat awaiting help/ Credit: Courtesy Photo

Caritas Internationalis Urges Protection for Migrants After Boat Capsizes off Libyan Coast

May 2, 2021

Following the capsizing of a boat off the coast of Libya, the April 22-23 incident that left at least 130 migrants dead, the leadership of the global confederation of Catholic relief agencies, Caritas Internationalis (CI), has called for the setting up of mechanisms to safeguard the rights of migrants. 

Commuters get COVID-19 test results checked at the South African side of the border -- but a surge in cases is overwhelming authorities on both sides.

Southern Africa Bishops Concerned about Distressing Situation of Migrants at Border Posts

Jan 14, 2021

Two Catholic Bishops in Southern African nations have expressed concerns about the “distressing situation” of migrants trying to cross into South Africa from neighboring countries amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Caritas Mali

Caritas Internationalis Offering Help and Comfort to Migrants in Mali

Dec 20, 2020

The leadership of the global confederation of Catholic relief agencies, Caritas Internationalis (CI), is offering help and comfort to migrants leaving Africa for Europe through Mali, housing them and providing them with “support and advice on their journey.”

Pope Francis offers Mass in Casa Santa Marta on March 12, 2020. Credit: Vatican Media/CNA.

Pope Francis: Do not Forget the Poor During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Mar 12, 2020

The suffering of the poor cannot be ignored during the coronavirus pandemic, Pope Francis said Thursday in his televised morning homily.