
Pope in Bahrain

Pope Francis meets with Catholics living on the Arabian Peninsula during a prayer service in Sacred Heart Church in Manama, Bahrain, on Nov. 6, 2022. | Vatican Media.

Pope Francis Tells Catholics on the Arabian Peninsula to be Bold in Proclaiming the Gospel

Nov 6, 2022

In Bahrain on Sunday morning, Pope Francis prayed with Catholics from the Arabian Peninsula and encouraged them to be bold in proclaiming the Gospel in their countries.

Pope Francis greets the crowd in Bahrain's national soccer stadium before offering Mass on Nov. 6, 2022. | Vatican Media

Catholics Travel from Saudi Arabia to Attend Pope Francis’ Stadium Mass in Bahrain

Nov 5, 2022

About 30,000 people crowded into a soccer stadium on Saturday morning to attend the first public papal Mass in the Kingdom of Bahrain, a Muslim-majority island country in the Persian Gulf.