

Three African career women, Ivorian Olga Kouassi, Cameroonian Esther Tallah, and Ivorian Karine Kouassi expected to present papers on "Women in leadership: An overview from Sub-Saharan Africa" at Università della Santa Croce on November 16, 2019 / Harambee Africa International

Reversing Negative Trend in “women and leadership in Africa”, Focus of Rome Conference

Nov 16, 2019

Ways of reversing trends demonstrating that women in Sub-Saharan Africa seem to be lagging behind in the exercise of their leadership in the various spheres of life including their presence in politics, economic, and even scholarship spheres will be the focus of the Saturday, November 16 presentations at the University of Holy Cross (P. Università della Santa Croce) in Rome under the auspices of Harambee Africa International, the association’s Vice President, Manuel Sanchez told ACI Africa.