

Today, December 26, We Celebrate St. Stephen

Dec 26, 2023

Just after Christmas, the Catholic Church remembers its first martyr, and one of its first deacons, Saint Stephen. Roman Catholics celebrate his feast Dec. 26, while Eastern Catholics honor him one day later.

Today, December 25, We Celebrate The Nativity of The Lord - Christmas

Dec 25, 2023

The word for Christmas in late Old English is Cristes Maesse, the Mass of Christ, first found in 1038, and Cristes-messe, in 1131; in Latin Dies Natalis.

Today, Friday, December 24, We Celebrate Vigil of Christmas

Dec 24, 2023

In the first ages, during the night before every feast, a vigil was kept. In the evening the faithful assembled in the place or church where the feast was to be celebrated and prepared themselves by prayers, readings from Holy Writ (now the Offices of Vespers and Matins), and sometimes also by hearing a sermon.

Today, December 23, We Celebrate St. Thorlak of Iceland

Dec 23, 2023

The Scandinavian island nation of Iceland celebrates its national patron, St. Thorlak Thorhallsson, on Dec. 23.

Today, December 22, We Celebrate St. Chaeromon

Dec 22, 2023

Not much is known about the life of St. Chaeromon except that he was a bishop of Nilopolis in Egypt who was already advanced in age when Emperor Trajanus Decius began the intense persecution of Christians.

Today, December 17, We Celebrate Saint Jose Manyanet y Vives

Dec 17, 2023

St. Jose Manyanet y Vives was born on January 7, 1883 in Catalonia, Spain. At the age of five, José’s mother dedicated him to the Virgin Mary, and later entered the seminary while still a youth. He was ordained in 1859 and served as the secretary of the bishop of Urgell, the seminary librarian, and the chancery administrator before responding to the call to found two religious congregations.

The fresco of St. Leo the Great, doctor of the Church, in the cupola of the Church of St. Maximus of Turin, Italy. | Credit: Renata Sedmakova/Shutterstock

St. Leo the Great: The Pope Who Clarified the Humanity and Divinity of Christ

Nov 10, 2023

The worldwide Church celebrates St. Leo the Great, the 45th bishop of Rome and one of only 37 doctors of the Church, on Nov. 10.

Detail of a mural showing Blessed Stanley Rother being welcomed into heaven at the new Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine in Oklahoma City. | Credit: Joe Holdren/EWTN News

What is the Process for Canonization? A guide for All Saints’ Day 

Nov 1, 2023

On the day the Church celebrates the Church triumphant in heaven, we take a closer look at the formal process the Church uses to declare someone a saint.

Credit: JoannaTkaczuk/Shutterstock

After 1,700 years, An Ancient Olive Tree Marks the Vanished Hometown of St. Augustine

Aug 28, 2023

St. Augustine, whose feast day is today, Aug. 28, is associated most prominently with Hippo, the city that constitutes his well-known epithet. Yet well before his ancient bishopric, Augustine hailed from a now-long-vanished town located just a few dozen miles from that city, a place that still bears at least one landmark popularly associated with the venerated saint.

Today, July 29, We Celebrate St. Martha

Jul 29, 2023

Saint Martha is mentioned in three Gospel passages: Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-53, and John 12:1-9, and the type of friendship between her and her siblings, Mary and Lazarus, with the Lord Jesus is evident in these passages.

St. Mary Magdalene relic at the Basilica of St. John the Baptist of the Florentines. | Credit: Daniel Ibanez/CNA

In Rome, Relic of St. Mary Magdalene’s Foot Points Way to the Vatican

Jul 22, 2023

As the stories of many ancient things go, the relic of St. Mary Magdalene’s left foot had been lost to memory for centuries before it was rediscovered in the year 2000.

Today, July 7, We Celebrate St. Pope Benedict XI

Jul 7, 2023

Nicholas Boccasini was born at Treviso, Italy, in 1240. Hhe entered the Dominican Order at the age of 14. After 14 years of study, he became lector of theology, an office he filled for several years.

Saint Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei. Photo courtesy of Opus Dei

St. Josemaría Escrivá’s Call to Sanctify Daily Work is a Modern Spiritual Call to Arms

Jun 26, 2023

According to St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, a Catholic’s everyday, ordinary struggles and work are in fact “God’s work.”

Today, June 8, We Celebrate St. Medard, bishop

Jun 8, 2023

St. Medard was born around 456 in Salency, France. His father Nectard was a noble Frenchman, and his mother, Protogia, descended from a Roman family that settled in Gaul.

Today, June 7, We Celebrate St. Anthony Mary Gianelli

Jun 7, 2023

Anthony grew up in a poor but pious family in a small farming village in Lombardy, Italy. The owner of his family farm paid for Anthony's seminary education because he was such a promising student. 

Today, May 27, We Celebrate St. Augustine of Canterbury

May 27, 2023

An Italian Benedictine monk who became the “Apostle of the English,” Saint Augustine of Canterbury is honored by the Catholic Church on May 27.

Saint of the day: Today, March 31, We Celebrate Bl. Jane of Toulouse

Mar 31, 2023

Blessed Jane lived in the French town of Toulouse during the 13th century. A Carmelite monastery was founded in the same town in 1240 which exposed Jane to the Carmelite lifestyle and spirituality.

Today, March 29, We Celebrate St. Joseph of Arimathea

Mar 29, 2023

St. Joseph of Arimathea is a disciple of Jesus Christ who is mentioned in each account of the Passion narrative. After the Passion of the Lord, Joseph, a member of the Jewish council went to Pilate and asked for possession of the body of Jesus. After receiving this permission, Joseph had Jesus laid in a nearby tomb.

Today we celebrate Saint Brigid of Kildare, patron saint of Ireland

Feb 1, 2023

On Feb. 1 Catholics in Ireland and elsewhere will honor Saint Brigid of Kildare, a monastic foundress who is – together with Saint Patrick and Saint Columcille – one of the country’s three patron saints.

Today we celebrate St, John Bosco, patron saint of young people

Jan 31, 2023

On Jan. 31, the Roman Catholic Church honors St. John Bosco (or “Don Bosco”), a 19th century Italian priest who reached out to young people to remedy their lack of education, opportunities, and faith.