
Sr. Josée Ngalula

Sr. Josée Ngalula. Credit: ACI Africa

Congolese Catholic Theologian Proposes Ordination of Permanent Female Deacons to Address Abuse in Church

Aug 1, 2024

A majority of victims of abuse in the Catholic Church are women, a Congolese Theologian has said, noting that ordination of more female deacons will see “women look after their fellow women.”

Sr. Agnès Sory. Credit: PACTPAN

Pastoral Solution for Polygamous Marriages “presents a difficulty” for Church in Africa: Catholic Theologian, Canonist

Aug 1, 2024

The proposed pastoral solution for the polygamous Catechumen seeking to convert to Catholicism presents a difficult situation for African families, a Catholic Theologian has said.

A poster announcing the series of online conversations bringing together African theologians, priests, and religious, as well as laity in Africa. Credit: PACTPAN

What the Church in Africa Can Learn from Eastern Churches on Living Synodlity

Jul 1, 2024

The Church in Africa can tap from the experience of Eastern Churches on the continent on living the Synod on Synodlity, participants at a virtual conversation have said.