In his talk given during the audience in the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican, the Holy Father called this encounter “an important gesture of ecumenical fraternity.”
“I have been summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office on June 20, in person or represented by a canon lawyer,” Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote on X.
In the one-hour conversation on June 20 organized by Loyola University’s Building Bridges Initiative, Pope Francis spoke directly to students from across the Asia-Pacific region.
As reported by President Davide Prosperi, the pope spoke of “the need to share the charism and for a co-responsibility in the leadership of the movement.”
Reflecting on Jesus’ parable comparing the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, the pope said Christians should have an attitude of “confident expectation” in the Lord.
Pope Francis took the stage in front of over 100 comedians and humorists, including Americans Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Conan O’Brien.
Speaking in his Angelus address on June 9, the pope asked people to contemplate the temptations that can imprison us and the freedom found in Christ
The Holy Father's remarks came during the 4th International Meeting of Choirs at the Vatican.
The pontiff asked for prayers as he prepares to publish the document in September.
According to the Italian newspaper Il Messaggero, the pope responded to an email from Lorenzo Michele Noè Caruso, telling him to “go ahead” with his vocation.
Being peacemakers in the style of Jesus Christ, while necessary and valuable, can also be risky, Pope Francis said at the Vatican, as conflicts continue to rage around the world.
“In you, children, everything speaks of life and the future. The Church, as a mother, welcomes you and accompanies you with tenderness and hope,” the pope said.
A conference titled “The Tunics of St. Peter and St. John, Two Extraordinary Relics of the Sancta Sanctorum,” presented a historic overview of the two relics.
The Italian computer-coding teenager who died of cancer in 2006 is known for his great devotion to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.
In a telegram, the Holy Father sent “condolences upon the deaths of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, and all who perished.”
The pope spoke with “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell at the Vatican via a Spanish translator.
The Vatican’s doctrinal office is centralizing its authority over the investigation of alleged Marian apparitions and other religious phenomena under new norms.
The full interview, conducted April 24, will air as part of “60 Minutes” on May 19 from 7-8 p.m. ET on CBS.
The Vatican released the message ahead of the fourth World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, which takes place on July 28 this year.
Officials from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith discussed problems that could come up in examining apparitions in November 1974.