The Catholic Archdiocese of Freetown in Sierra Leone has been experiencing a decline in the vocations to the priesthood, an official of the Archdiocese has said, noting that the Archdiocese’s new Minor will motivate more young people to become Priests.
“Priestly happiness is one of the great secrets of our time,” said Rossetti, a research associate professor at The Catholic University of America. “And I’m glad it’s coming out.”
“I wanted to be a journalist to spread the truth,” Mother Marla said of her time at the Washington Post. “But I just felt like this was against my faith.”
In a meeting with Nigerians living in Rome on March 25, the pope said that he was grateful for all that Nigerian Catholics have done to bear witness to the Gospel.
Bishop Alex Lodiong Sakor Eyobo of South Sudan’s Catholic Diocese of Yei is appealing for prayers for the three candidates awaiting ordination in October, the second for the Diocese since 2012, to prioritize the needs of the people in their ministry among the people of God.
Tributes to Archbishop Joseph Henry Ganda, Sierra Leone’s first native Catholic Bishop who died on August 9 are still pouring in, with some remembering the late Catholic Church leader for promoting the growth of local vocations in the West African nation.
Jesus’ healing presence in the Eucharist can “fill with tenderness” the voids and wounds produced by sin in individual lives and in society, Pope Francis said Friday.
Not everyone who qualifies to join the Seminary in Burundi is accepted by formation houses. Major Seminaries in one of the world’s poorest countries have been forced to regulate the number of those they enroll owing to capacity challenges.
At Holy Mass to mark the 150th anniversary of the Congregation of Brothers of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Bishop John Mbinda of Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Lodwar has called for prayers for vocations to Religious Life.
“To continue with evangelization, we must grow our own local vocations,” Fr. Petros Mwale, the Chaplain of the youth in the Southern African country of Malawi, has said in response to the crisis posed by decreasing numbers of non-native Catholic Clergy.
In his message for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations 2023, Pope Francis said God’s call to a particular vocation also includes the mission to offer one’s life for others.
It is no accident that the patron saint of foreign missionaries is a cloistered nun, Pope Francis said Wednesday.
On March 3 the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano reported the latest statistics about the global Catholic Church.
The decline in the number of priests, seminarians, and new vocations to the priesthood in the United States appears to be more pronounced in parishes where priests serve more parishioners, according to a report commissioned by the organization Vocation Ministry.
A Catholic Bishops in Zimbabwe has called upon the people of God under his pastoral care to pray for vocations in the Southern African nation that he says is “experiencing a decline” in those enrolling in houses of formation to become Priests.
The pope made the comment in his annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations message.
Catholic Bishops in Malawi are inviting the youth in the Southern African nation to consider devoting their life to God’s service as Priests.
Women and men Religious serving in Kenya’s Kakamega Diocese have been challenged to organize regular meetings to celebrate Consecrated Life at the grassroots in Parishes or local communities with the view of promoting vocations to Religious Life.
Lively liturgical celebrations that give space for young people to participate in the life of the church in Africa explains the growing number of vocations on the continent, a member of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus (MCCJ) has said.
Pope Francis said Sunday that great joy is found when one offers his life in service to God’s call.