Bishop Joaquim Nhanganga Tyombe of the Catholic Diocese of Uije has underscored the importance of unity in faith, witness, and good works for Christian life.
Pope Francis emphasized that hope is “always possible” in Jesus Christ during an ecumenical vespers service marking both the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
To overcome religious and ethnic divisions in Kenya, Christians in the East African country must embrace Christ-like love, a member of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) Ecumenical Committee, has said.
Pope Francis met with Finnish representatives of various Christian denominations who have made a pilgrimage to Rome on the occasion of the feast of St. Henry.
On Jan. 25, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Pope Francis will conclude the week with vespers in St. Paul Outside the Walls Basilica at 5:30 p.m. Rome time.
Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby celebrated an Anglican service this morning in the Catholic Basilica of St. Bartholomew, located on Tiber Island.
The theme for 2024 is “You shall love the Lord your God ... and your neighbor as yourself.”
In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis encouraged Christians to cultivate the virtue of knowing “how to step aside” in order to bear witness to Jesus, as St. John the Baptist did.
The leadership of an organization of Christian professionals in Kenya is urging politicians in the East African nation to engage them in their political campaigns ahead of the August 2022 general elections.
The pope was preaching at the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
As part of its activities to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU), the leadership of Kenya-based Tangaza University College (TUC) has planned for an ecumenical prayer service during which the unity of believers is to be emphasized, a Catholic Priest involved in the initiative has told ACI Africa.
A Catholic Archbishop in Togo has called on followers of Christ to use the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity not only to pray for unity but also to accompany the initiative with concrete gestures of love for one another.
A Catholic Priest at the helm of the International Ecumenical Movement-Kenya Chapter (IEM-K) has, in his message for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU), called on all followers of Christ to unite in the defense of human dignity and the freedom of worship.
The letter was sent by Cardinal Kurt Koch and Cardinal Mario Grech.
Pope Francis highlighted the upcoming anniversaries of two major events in Church history as moments that can help Christians seek unity.
During his Sunday Angelus address, the pope called on people to take part in the upcoming Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Welcoming other Christians and showing hospitality to strangers, especially migrants, is an opportunity for unity and for sharing Christ’s love, Pope Francis said at the general audience Wednesday.